You Can Do This!

“I can’t believe I gained this much weight!”

Many of us gain weight, even when we have been eating less and exercising more. How can that be? The answers are multiple. Our bodies changes as we age. Life events such as illness, pregnancy, stress and the need to work long hours all affect our hormones and metabolism. As we age, exercise proves to be less effective for weight loss, even though it is good for our overall health. Some foods that we know are healthful may contain too many calories to allow us to lose weight (such as cheese, olive oil and almond butter). We have been influenced to eat larger portions of food both at home, work and when we eat out. To deal with this, we need to learn new food behaviors – how to shop, cook and eat better. We instinctively know this, but we need to learn the specifics of what needs to change. What foods should we eat, and how much of it? We need a plan! Omaha Weight Loss OWL Diet teaches these food behaviors and provides a plan of healthful eating to lose safely lose weight, and a plan that we can follow for the rest of our life.

“Every Diet I tried has not worked”

Many of us start a diet, but don’t stick with it. Maybe we quite because the weight loss is too slow. Maybe we struggle with hunger. Or maybe the requirement to exercise is more than we can handle. Worse yet, we succeed, only to go back to old eating habits and gaining back all the weight that was lost and more!

Here’s some good news – Omaha Weight Loss OWL Diet was designed to work for everyone! Men and women of all ages, with a variety of physical activity levels and medical problems can all participate. You will be rewarded for your sacrifices and commitment by losing weight every week. With our positive coaching and support, you will stay on track to reach your weight loss goal. You can do this!

I have lost 20 pounds on Dr. Abbott’s OWL Diet and I am still losing! I’ve tried many weight loss programs over the years, and I would use two words to describe what sets Dr. Abbott’s program apart from others: credibility and accountability. Credibility is the sense that I trust the program – it is supervised by a medical doctor and his staff. Secondly, the support from working with Dr. Abbott and the staff has helped me be more accountable to myself while I am dieting. In addition, I like the food plan. I don’t get hungry, and I am learning new eating habits. I am wholly pleased with my experience, and I highly recommend The OWL Diet.
R.C. man age 62

As a patient of the Omaha Med Spa for the past several months, I have been incredibly happy with the caring service and support by both Dr. Abbott and all of his fabulous staff. They have been very encouraging while I have been on The OWL Diet; I actually enjoy my weekly weigh-ins!! I am going to miss everyone once I reach my goal. I have also tried a few other spa services that Dr. Abbott provides and could not be more pleased with the results. Having never tried Botox before, I found it to be fairly painless and a great value. I love the results! During my initial consultation with Dr. Abbott, we also discussed using filler on my lips as they were on the thinner side. After a few months of consideration, I decided to go ahead with the procedure, and I could not have been more pleased! I love the way look!! The procedure was pretty quick, only half an hour, not very painful, and thankfully, I had a little bruising. Dr. Abbott was reassuring during the entire procedure and is very knowledgeable about the products he uses. I have recommended him to several of my friends, and will continue to do so in the future.

Omaha Med Spa is so welcoming and friendly. I know that the staff will be helpful in my weight loss so I can reach my goal. I was so pleased with my results of my first week. Thank You OWL Diet!
P.J. woman aged 58

Understanding Hunger

Most of us don’t eat because we are hungry. We eat out of habit, boredom and stress. We eat socially with our family, friends and co-workers. Some foods we become addicted to.

We help you learn to eat healthful meals that satisfies your craving for food. And our supplements and prescription treatments will help curb your hungry and stimulate metabolism. Most important of all – you will be losing weight by eating real food.

What motivates you to lose weight?

Some of us lose weight to feel better about ourselves. Sometimes we have been told to lose weight due to health problems such as diabetes, heart disease and joint or back pain. Other people look to reinvent how they look due to events such as divorce, upcoming vacations, weddings or reunions.

Here is some more good news – everything gets better with weight loss.

You will experience improved energy, sleep and alertness. You may perform better at your job. Your self-confidence will grow. You may even be able to get off some medications! Your sex live may even improve. You will like how you look in the mirror, and you will love how you look in new clothes!

Thank you, thank you, thank you OWL Diet for helping me get my life back! I was at the point of just living to die and I am only 52 years old. A friend of mine was doing research and came across The OWL Diet plan. I have been on it for one month and have lost 22.6 pounds. I have regained my desire to live again, and now have the knowledge to be successful on my weight loss journey.
K.B. woman age 52

I am a repeat patient at Dr. Abbott’s Med Spa. I have been a successful patient using the OWL Diet. The staff is very polite, always helpful and I have referred several friends and family there. I will continue to be a loyal patient of Dr. Abbott’s.
C.S. woman aged 47

I have actually done pretty much every diet you could ever imagine and I have never been able to keep the weight off. After other diets I would typically would go back to my unhealthy eating habits. “I started The OWL Diet at the beginning of the year and lost 47lbs in 10weeks. . I have so much more energy and I feel fabulous.” I have found this diet is more of a lifestyle change around food. The OWL Diet has taught me how to eat properly, to avoid processed foods, and how to cook properly with healthy ingredients. What I’ve learned has taught me how to eat for the rest of my life. I am a nurse and I love the fact that this program was designed by a real medical doctor. Now when I go out to eat I know which foods to choose from. Shopping for new clothes has become fun again. I have inspired my friends to lose weight as well.
Heidi, age 38 Total Loss: 47lbs

Timing for Success

When you are ready to take back control of your weight once and for all, we invite you to call Omaha Med Spa – exclusive location for the original Omaha Weight Loss OWL Diet.  This website will help you find the closest provider. When you attend for your Omaha Weight Loss OWL Diet consultation, we will see how this plan can work for you. At this visit we will discuss possible prescription treatments to help you out along the way.

Losing weight is not a race. It is a journey. As bad as you want to get started right away, make sure you time your start date to ensure your success.

You will need to take time to read the book on Omaha Weight Loss OWL Diet written by Dr Carter Abbott. Then select the foods that you want to eat, and learn how to measure and prepare your food properly. Go shopping and stock up on everything you will need. Talk to the people you live with, and ask them to be supportive. Obtain the prescription medications that you will be taking, and read how to use them properly.

Finally, keep your regular visits with us for coaching, support, medical monitoring and accountability. We will help you with any problems that you may encounter along the way.